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5.822 kr.

Ampúla með 0,5% retínóli

Retínól er gulls ígildi meðal snyrtivara gegn öldrun og hefur verið fastur liður í baráttunni við hrukkum í mörg ár. Lykjan með virka innihaldsefninu með 0,5% retínóli með fituhjúpi hentar sérstaklega vel fyrir þroskaða, rýrnandi húð og vinnur gegn náttúrulegu öldrun húðarinnar og tilheyrandi húðbreytingum. Þreytt og föl húð sem þarfnast endurnýjunar, sem og óhreina og sólskemmda húð, endurnýjast með þessari lykju. Uppbygging húðarinnar er bætt og útlit húðarinnar fágað. Línur og hrukkur eru lágmarkaðar og mýkt og tónn húðarinnar batnar. Samsetning öflugra andoxunarefna hlutleysir sindurefna og verndar húðina fyrir oxunarálagi en styrkir um leið virkni náttúrulegrar hindrunar húðarinnar. Oflitarefni og litarefnissjúkdómar eftir bólgu eru léttari og rakaforði húðarinnar endurnýjast.

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Active ingredient ampoule with 0.5% retinol

Retinol is the gold standard among anti-aging cosmetics and has been a constant in the fight against wrinkles for many years. The active ingredient ampoule with 0.5% liposomally encapsulated retinol is particularly suitable for mature, atrophic skin and counteracts the natural skin aging process and the associated skin changes. Tired and pale skin in need of regeneration, as well as impure and sun-damaged skin, is regenerated by this ampoule. The skin structure is improved and the skin’s appearance is refined. Lines and wrinkles are minimized and the skin’s elasticity and tone are improved. The combination of potent antioxidants neutralizes free radicals and protects the skin from oxidative stress, while at the same time strengthening the function of the skin’s natural barrier. Hyperpigmentation and post-inflammatory pigment disorders are lightened and the skin’s moisture reserves are replenished.

As a treatment, preferably in the evening, gently massage a few drops onto the prepared skin. After allowing it to take effect for about 2 minutes, apply the care cream appropriate to your skin type.The ampoule should also be used during the day, always in conjunction with a sunscreen or BB cream.To increase effectiveness, it is also recommended to use it in combination with Retinol Repair Fluid and/or Retinol Repair Cream.



Anti-aging active ingredient – ​​can reduce wrinkles, helps build skin structure and acts as an antioxidant.


It has moisture-binding properties and is therefore often used in care products. Often leaves a thin film on the skin, which ensures smoothness and firmness. Dry skin with a disturbed barrier layer is pampered with a moisture boost and experiences immediate relief.


Cell-protecting vitamin E derivatives that support the wound healing process and reduce scarring. Moisturizing and skin smoothing.

Retinol 0.5% liposomally encapsulated, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glycerin, Pentylene Glycol, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Allantoin, Tocopherol

Weight 0,05 kg