4.658 kr.
Ampúla með virkt innihaldsefni með náttúrulegri öldrunarblöndu sem vinnur gegn náttúrulegu öldrun húðarinnar.
Fyrir alla sem eru með rýrnandi, þroskaða húð eldri en 30 ára og vilja berjast gegn öldrun húðarinnar á náttúrulegan hátt. Virka innihaldsefnið gegn öldrun sem er að finna í ampúluna gegn þremur helstu orsökum náttúrulegs öldrunarferlis húðar: Sindurefnin eru hlutleyst með öflugum andoxunarefnum og á sama tíma er frumuendurnýjun stuðlað að. Snemma niðurbrot kollagenþráða hægist á og minnkandi kollagenmyndun er virkjuð. Dauðar húðfrumur eru fjarlægðar varlega og frásog húðarinnar á virkum efnum batnar. Öldrunarhækkunin með eingöngu náttúrulegum innihaldsefnum getur, þegar þau eru notuð reglulega, hægt á náttúrulegum öldrunarferlum umfram daglega umhirðu.
Fjöldi sendingarmöguleika!
- Ábyrgjumst ánægju með vöruna
- Einfalt að skila og skipta
- Örugg greiðslusíða
Active ingredient ampoule with a purely natural anti-aging formulation which counteracts the natural skin aging process
For everyone who has atrophic, mature skin over the age of 30 and would like to fight their skin aging in a natural way. The anti-aging active ingredient complex contained synergistically combats the three main causes of the natural skin aging process: free radicals are neutralized by potent antioxidants and at the same time cell renewal is promoted. The early breakdown of collagen fibers is slowed down and the declining collagen synthesis is activated. Dead skin cells are gently removed and the skin’s absorption of active ingredients is improved. The anti-aging boost with purely herbal ingredients can, when used regularly, slow down the natural skin aging processes beyond the daily care routine.
As a treatment, apply a few drops to the prepared skin on the face, neck and décolleté in the morning and evening and massage in gently with circular movements. After about 2 minutes of exposure, apply the care cream or mask appropriate to your skin type.
Is an alternative to animal collagen – Using plant-based materials, the same skin-improving benefits are achieved as animal collagen. Plant collagen is soluble in water. It binds a lot of moisture and leaves the skin looking smooth and fresh for noticeably longer.
Considered a new super ingredient against wrinkles. It activates cell regeneration, cell renewal and cell protection, relaxes the skin superficially, smooths wrinkles and minimizes signs of aging
Quince has anti-inflammatory properties and is a small miracle weapon, especially for strained, stressed and cracked skin. Quince is also moisture-binding and has been proven to improve skin hydration.
Phospholipids, Vegetable Collagen, Melatonin, Lacto bacillus Ferment, Lactobacillus Caffeine, Pentylene Glycol, Pyrus Cydonia Seed Extract, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Extract.
Weight | 0,05 kg |