Showing 85–94 of 94 results

  • THE CREAM [intense]

    0 out of 5
    24.785 kr.
    Rík og nærandi 24 tíma krem fyrir flauelsmjúka húð.

    24 klst verndarkrem. Rík áferð. Fyrir húð sem krefst enn meira. Sérstök samsetning virkra efna. Fullkomin uppsetning. Endurnýjar. Veitir Endurlífganda áhrif. Með tafarlausum og langtímaáhrifum.



    0 out of 5
    19.462 kr.

    Highly concentrated cream fluid with repair effect

    Gives the skin an immediate moisture and energy boost. The particularly light texture merges with the skin’s own hydrolipid film and provides the skin with all the components it needs for revitalization and protection against skin aging. The structure and resilience is improved. The complexion appears healthier, fresher and full of new energy.



    0 out of 5
    13.640 kr.

    Rich lifting cream mask

    Leave-on lifting mask. Minimizing signs of fatigue and tension. Intense supply of moisture. Restoring natural freshness. New resilience. Vitality. Changed appearance of the skin: more radiant, finer, more relaxed. Works ideally as an at home beauty-boost.


  • THE OIL [face + body]

    0 out of 5
    10.314 kr.

    Nutrient-rich relaxing oil for firming and protecting all skin types

    6 exquisite oils [Baobab | pomegranate | almond | soy | Jojoba | Sunflower] in combination with vitamins C and E and paracress extract provide the skin with plenty of moisture and provide protection against free radicals. Paracress / Spilanthol is known for its firming effect in the area of ​​facial wrinkles by reducing muscle contractions.


  • THE SERUM [hyaluron rosé infusion]

    0 out of 5
    15.303 kr.

    Intense, volumizing moisture boost

    THE SERUM hyaluron rosé infusion is more than a classic hyaluronic serum. Enriched with yam extract and vitamin E, it replenishes the skin’s moisture reserves, increases its water-binding capacity and smoothes the skin. The skin appears plumper and has more volume. Ceramides 3 increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Panthenol, allantoin and rose water soothe and protect the skin. Bisabolol reduces feelings of tension. New skin appearance: fresh, smooth, youthful complexion.


    0 out of 5
    7.652 kr.

    24-hour care for neurodermatitis and psoriasis to relieve itching and feelings of tension

    The innovative basis of the Total Calm Cream is based on the structure of human skin, uses plant lipids and completely avoids the use of emulsifiers. The annoying itching is relieved immediately after application and irritated and reddened skin is soothed in the long term. Balloon vine extract soothes irritated, red and itchy skin. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredient complex made from barley grain extract, argan oil and shea butter was specially developed for very dry and itchy skin in order to strengthen the skin barrier. An extract from the cell wall of baker’s yeast has excellent skin-protecting properties. It provides intensive moisture and activates the skin’s natural defense mechanisms against bacterial infections. Stressed, sensitive and delicate skin is sustainably soothed. Total Calm Cream is free from: emulsifiers, preservatives (e.g. parabens), fragrances, cortisone, dyes, urea, mineral oil components (e.g. silicone oil and paraffin oil), animal ingredients!


    • Calms and soothes skin
    • Improves skin‘s resistance
    • Nourishes and moisturizes
    • Regenerates and smoothes
    • Shows antibacterial properties

    Free from: emulsifiers, mineral oils, preservatives, dyes, fragrances and animal ingredients

    TIP: Opens new doors to (cautious/ sensitized) target groups : pregnant and younger clients


    0 out of 5
    6.986 kr.
    Ensímdjúphreinsir með tvívirknaáferð.

    Ultimate 2+ er Milt Djúphreisandi gel sem losar húðina við óhreinindi og harnaðar frumur, Fjarlægir einnig dauðar húðfrumur með hjálp ensíma og gerir húðina móttækilegri fyrir síðari húðvörum. A-, C-, E-vítamín og kóensím Q10 styðja við frumuendurnýjun, aðalskilyrði fyrir endurlífgun og stinnleika húðarinnar. Vínberjaolía hreinsar húðina og gefur henni viðkvæmt yfirbragð. Léttari útgáfan af Nourishing Exfoliator okkar. Hentar öllum húðgerðum.


    Berið gelið á hreina húð og leyfið ensímum að virka í u.þ.b. 10 mínútur. Til að auka flögnunaráhrif skaltu nudda argan kornin létt á húðina. Að lokum skal þvo vandlega af með volgu vatni. Notist 1-2 sinnum í viku. Húðin er jafnari, ljómandi og skýrari eftir fyrstu notkun.



    0 out of 5
    4.159 kr.

    Náttúruleg sápa með Miðjarðarhafslykt úr besta náttúrulegu rósmaríni og 100% vegan samsetningu. Vegan Rosemary Liquid Soap hentar öllum húðgerðum og er frískandi sápa fyrir hendur og líkama. Sérstaklega þurr, viðkvæm og ert húð róast og fær raka. Plöntuensímin (yfirborðsvirk efni) hreinsa húðina varlega en vandlega. Húðerting verður minni og náttúruleg hindrun húðarinnar styrkist. Rakagefandi og bindandi eiginleikar sápunar draga úr þurrkun húðarinnar og koma í veg fyrir erta tilfinningu. Vegan sápan inniheldur aðeins yfirborðsvirk efni af jurtaríkinu, sem eru lífbrjótanleg og mjög húðvæn. Ásamt skemmtilegum, arómatískum, ferskum ilm tryggir náttúrulega sápan að húðin sé nærð og mjúk þegar hún er notuð reglulega.


    0 out of 5
    4.325 kr.

    Ampúla með vítamínhvetjandi virk innihaldsefni

    Framsækið þykkni gegn öldrun með dýrmætum vítamínum [A, B3, B5, C & E] virkjar, styrkir og veitir andoxunarvörn.


    0 out of 5
    5.822 kr.

    Healthy care cream with a variety of vitamins

    This special cream helps the skin build and maintain its optimal moisture level. The combination of valuable oils and vitamins C and E soothes the skin and restores the balance of the skin’s natural functions.


    • Calms and soothes
    • Is moisture-binding, soothing and calming
    • Improves skin‘s resistance
    • Rehydrates and regenerates
    • Works antiseptic, revitalizing and nurturing for eczema