0 out of 5
    4.159 kr.

    Náttúruleg sápa með Miðjarðarhafslykt úr besta náttúrulegu rósmaríni og 100% vegan samsetningu. Vegan Rosemary Liquid Soap hentar öllum húðgerðum og er frískandi sápa fyrir hendur og líkama. Sérstaklega þurr, viðkvæm og ert húð róast og fær raka. Plöntuensímin (yfirborðsvirk efni) hreinsa húðina varlega en vandlega. Húðerting verður minni og náttúruleg hindrun húðarinnar styrkist. Rakagefandi og bindandi eiginleikar sápunar draga úr þurrkun húðarinnar og koma í veg fyrir erta tilfinningu. Vegan sápan inniheldur aðeins yfirborðsvirk efni af jurtaríkinu, sem eru lífbrjótanleg og mjög húðvæn. Ásamt skemmtilegum, arómatískum, ferskum ilm tryggir náttúrulega sápan að húðin sé nærð og mjúk þegar hún er notuð reglulega.


    0 out of 5
    2.495 kr.

    Alex Cosmetic handáburður „Hands on“ er fullkomið fyrir handtöskuna þína.
    Húðin okkar verður þurr og ert, sérstaklega á veturna eða þegar við þvoum hendurnar oft. Handkremið okkar með vegan samsetningu veitir húðinni nægan raka og kemur í veg fyrir að hendur þorni. Þökk sé stórkostlegu innihaldsefnum eins og sheasmjöri, fræolíusmjöri eða Magnifera Indica (mangó) er kremið sérstaklega gagnlegt fyrir mjög grófar, sprungnar og ertar hendur. Létta og um leið ákaflega nærandi formúlan hefur skemmtilega áferð, auðvelt er að dreifa henni og skilur hún ekki eftir sig fitugt lag á húðinni. Eftir að kremið hefur verið borið á er húðin sléttari, mýkri og öll erting hverfur. Notalegur, frískandi ilmurinn af handkreminu mun fylgja þér allan daginn og tryggja ferskleikatilfinningu.


    0 out of 5
    11.593 kr.

    Rakagefandi krem með adenósíni og níasínamíði fyrir venjulega til þurra húð.

    Létt, silkimjúk og nærandi krem sem gefur langvarandi raka og fyllir húðina sýnilega. Adenósín og níasínamíð berjast gegn einkennum öldrunar. Línur og hrukkur slaka á og sléttast. Húðin er varin fyrir myndun litarefnabletta af umhverfinu og húðliturinn jafnast út. nærir húðina og opnar svitaholur eru minkaðar. Náttúrulega nærandi olíur eins og hveitikími og möndluolía styrkja á sjálfbæran hátt vörn húðar og seiglu húðarinnar. Létta áferðin frásogast fljótt, gefur húðinni skemmtilega afslappaða tilfinningu og gerir húðina jafnari, ljómandi og heilbrigðari.


    0 out of 5
    3.992 kr.

    öflugur nærandi svitalyktareyði.

    Deodorant smyrsli með náttúrulegum innihaldsefnum. Samsetning hágæða jurta- og steinefna dregur úr svítamyndun í langan tíma og hlutleysir óþægilega lykt. Stíflar ekki svitaholur. Nærir og sefar einnig viðkvæma húð.

    Vegan og Ferskur ilmur.

    Berið lítið magn undir handarkrika með fingurgómunum. Geymið við stofuhita.



    0 out of 5
    11.311 kr.

    Innovative anti-aging fluid to protect against light-induced, premature skin aging

    This fluid intensively protects the skin from the sun’s UV radiation and the associated negative consequences [sunburn, premature skin aging, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, certain forms of skin cancer, skin diseases e.g. B. Mallorca acne] with a combination of photostable UVA and UVB filters. At the same time , the fluid impresses with a strong antioxidant effect – free radicals that arise in the skin from sunlight or inflammatory reactions from sunburn are neutralized. This reduces UV-related skin damage and slows down skin aging processes.


    0 out of 5
    13.141 kr.
    Firming moisturizing serum to improve skin immunity

    Our anti-aging miracle for impatient people who want to achieve a quickly visible effect. The Medical Loft Insideout Skin Perfecter with a 5% niacinamide content ensures healthy, resilient skin and is also suitable for sensitive skin conditions. The production of the body’s own lipids and ceramides is promoted from within, the renewal of the skin’s surface is supported and the skin’s natural protective function is strengthened. This high-tech formulation stimulates collagen and elastin production for a firmer, denser and tightened skin appearance, while at the same time inhibiting the contraction of facial muscles and thus ensuring rapid relaxation of facial wrinkles [immediate effect]. A cocktail of active ingredients that results in visibly younger peach skin and provides the skin with plenty of moisture. The delicate, fresh scent rounds off this serum.


    0 out of 5
    14.177 kr.

    Herbal lifting serum to minimize facial wrinkles

    With this product we also improve the quality of the skin and take up the trend of positive aging – looking more alert, younger and completely natural! 3x effect. PURE HYDRATION – The triple hyaluronic acid complex penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, provides lasting moisture, supports cell renewal and improves the firmness of the skin. LIFTING – Spilanthol, a patented biopolymer and hyaluronic acid minimize micro-tensions in the skin, restore its fullness, density and firmness and smooth facial wrinkles. BOTANICAL – The interaction of purely natural, selected ingredients and a progressive recipe offers a maximized effect while being extremely comfortable to wear.
    Scientific studies show that the active ingredient spilanthol works like a natural botulinum toxin. It naturally smoothes facial wrinkles without paralyzing the entire facial muscles. At the same time, we use the most modern forms of hyaluronic acid, which penetrate deeper and with a time delay into the skin and sustainably fill its moisture reserves.


    0 out of 5
    11.977 kr.

    Super-charged Vitamin C Serum for the impatient.

    The 15% C Energizing Booster contains a high concentration of vitamin C and at the same time a mixture of antioxidants and regenerating active ingredients. 15% vitamin C has a keratolytic effect, thus accelerating the skin renewal process and resulting in clear skin with refined pores. Vitamin C [ascorbic acid] is known as a tyrosinase inhibitor and is also suitable for minimizing age spots and hyperpigmentation. The antioxidants it contains [tocopherol & magnolia extract] offer anti-pollution protection, fight free radicals and strengthen the skin barrier. Arginine regulates the moisture content of the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The result is a clean skin feeling and a radiantly fresh complexion. This vitamin C serum is particularly suitable as a spa treatment. Not for sensitive skin conditions.


    0 out of 5
    5.822 kr.

    Nourishing broad-spectrum protection [UVA + UVB]

    Selected UVA and UVB filters have a synergistic effect when combined, are photostable and therefore not only protect the uppermost layers of skin, but also offer protection for deeper layers of skin and connective tissue. This sunscreen is COLIPA tested. A very high proportion of aloe vera hydrates the skin and enables a high level of comfort that you are not used to with conventional sun cream. Additional nutrient-rich anti-aging ingredients and antioxidants regenerate and protect the skin.



    0 out of 5
    4.824 kr.

    Porcelain cream for a fair, even complexion

    VC-IP (innovative vitamin C derivative) combined with brightening active powder instantly corrects the appearance of local skin imperfections and enlarged pores, providing strong coverage and UVA + UVB protection. When used regularly, the active ingredient complex with selected vitamins shows revitalizing, anti-aging properties and gives your skin an even, light skin tone. For porcelain skin with a youthful radiance and elegant glow!



    0 out of 5
    6.820 kr.8.650 kr.

    The anti-aging BB cream with resveratrol and coenzyme Q10

    The Imperial BB Cream protects against negative environmental influences and UVA + UVB. The high-tech formulation with the antioxidant power pack [coenzyme Q10 and resveratrol], exclusive oils, Iris Florentina, vitamins C and E, and licorice root regenerates, moisturizes and has a brightening effect. At the same time, it supports the skin’s natural repair mechanisms and functions and promotes an even skin tone, a youthful appearance and provides perfect luminosity.


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    0 out of 5
    6.820 kr.8.650 kr.

    Beauty Balm with regenerating & brightening active ingredients

    The synergistic active ingredient complex [argan oil, ceramide 3, glycyrrhiza glabra and vitamins C and E] regenerates and continuously supplies the skin with moisture and has a brightening effect. Makes fine lines and wrinkles appear smoother. Protects the skin from negative environmental influences and offers UV protection. For a perfect finish and a flawless complexion.


    Select optionsLoading Done This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page