Showing 25–36 of 94 resultsSorted by latest
0 out of 5
11.977 kr.
Super-charged Vitamin C Serum for the impatient.
The 15% C Energizing Booster contains a high concentration of vitamin C and at the same time a mixture of antioxidants and regenerating active ingredients. 15% vitamin C has a keratolytic effect, thus accelerating the skin renewal process and resulting in clear skin with refined pores. Vitamin C [ascorbic acid] is known as a tyrosinase inhibitor and is also suitable for minimizing age spots and hyperpigmentation. The antioxidants it contains [tocopherol & magnolia extract] offer anti-pollution protection, fight free radicals and strengthen the skin barrier. Arginine regulates the moisture content of the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The result is a clean skin feeling and a radiantly fresh complexion. This vitamin C serum is particularly suitable as a spa treatment. Not for sensitive skin conditions.
0 out of 5
5.822 kr.
Nourishing broad-spectrum protection [UVA + UVB]
Selected UVA and UVB filters have a synergistic effect when combined, are photostable and therefore not only protect the uppermost layers of skin, but also offer protection for deeper layers of skin and connective tissue. This sunscreen is COLIPA tested. A very high proportion of aloe vera hydrates the skin and enables a high level of comfort that you are not used to with conventional sun cream. Additional nutrient-rich anti-aging ingredients and antioxidants regenerate and protect the skin.
0 out of 5
4.824 kr.
Porcelain cream for a fair, even complexion
VC-IP (innovative vitamin C derivative) combined with brightening active powder instantly corrects the appearance of local skin imperfections and enlarged pores, providing strong coverage and UVA + UVB protection. When used regularly, the active ingredient complex with selected vitamins shows revitalizing, anti-aging properties and gives your skin an even, light skin tone. For porcelain skin with a youthful radiance and elegant glow!
0 out of 5
6.820 kr. – 8.650 kr.
The anti-aging BB cream with resveratrol and coenzyme Q10
The Imperial BB Cream protects against negative environmental influences and UVA + UVB. The high-tech formulation with the antioxidant power pack [coenzyme Q10 and resveratrol], exclusive oils, Iris Florentina, vitamins C and E, and licorice root regenerates, moisturizes and has a brightening effect. At the same time, it supports the skin’s natural repair mechanisms and functions and promotes an even skin tone, a youthful appearance and provides perfect luminosity.
0 out of 5
6.820 kr. – 8.650 kr.
Beauty Balm with regenerating & brightening active ingredients
The synergistic active ingredient complex [argan oil, ceramide 3, glycyrrhiza glabra and vitamins C and E] regenerates and continuously supplies the skin with moisture and has a brightening effect. Makes fine lines and wrinkles appear smoother. Protects the skin from negative environmental influences and offers UV protection. For a perfect finish and a flawless complexion.
0 out of 5
5.323 kr. – 7.319 kr.
Beauty balm for young skin with a matt effect
The BB Cream is the special product for impure and irritated skin, problem skin and combination skin. It normalizes skin functions and consistently covers redness and pimples and allows them to subside. Oily and combination skins in particular rave about the mattifying effect. Taking the centuries-old recipe for zinc ointment as a model, the BB Cream can also be used to cover and soothe fresh scars.
0 out of 5
5.323 kr. – 7.319 kr.
Beauty Balm for young skin with a matt effect
The BB Cream is the special product for impure and irritated skin, problem skin and combination skin. It normalizes skin functions and consistently covers redness and pimples and allows them to subside. Oily and combination skins in particular rave about the mattifying effect. Taking the centuries-old recipe for zinc ointment as a model, the BB Cream can also be used to cover and soothe fresh scars.
0 out of 5
5.323 kr. – 7.319 kr.
Snyrtivörur fyrir unga húð með mattum áhrifum.
BB kremið er sérvaran fyrir óhreina og erta húð, vandamála húð og blandaða húð. Það jafnar starfsemi húðarinnar og hylur roða og bólur gerir þeim kleift að minnka. feit og blönduð húð er sérstaklega hrifin af mattandi áhrifunum. Með því að taka aldagömlu uppskriftina að zincsmyrsli til fyrirmyndar er BB kremið einnig hægt að nota til að hylja og róa fersk ör.
Berið lítið magn af BB Cream á húðina eftir andlits krem eða serum og þrystið þvi inn i húðina ekki nudda. Hægt að nota eitt og sér eða sem förðunargrunn. Staðbundið eftir rakvélarbruna. Ef nauðsyn krefur, berið valið á ör eða erta húð. Þú getur blandað 2 tónum saman til þess að ná húðlitinn þinn 100%.
0 out of 5
13.640 kr.
Rich lifting cream mask
Leave-on lifting mask. Minimizing signs of fatigue and tension. Intense supply of moisture. Restoring natural freshness. New resilience. Vitality. Changed appearance of the skin: more radiant, finer, more relaxed. Works ideally as an at home beauty-boost.
0 out of 5
10.314 kr.
Nutrient-rich relaxing oil for firming and protecting all skin types
6 exquisite oils [Baobab | pomegranate | almond | soy | Jojoba | Sunflower] in combination with vitamins C and E and paracress extract provide the skin with plenty of moisture and provide protection against free radicals. Paracress / Spilanthol is known for its firming effect in the area of facial wrinkles by reducing muscle contractions.
0 out of 5
24.786 kr.
Solid olíu smyrsl fyrir ákafa húðummönun og heilbrigðari húð.
Hágæða samsetning náttúrulegra virkra efna og olíu með mikla nærandi eiginleika endurnýjar fitu- og rakabirgðir húðarinnar. Sérstök hátækniáferðin [Olía í föstu formi] myndar létta filmu á húðinni, sem dregur úr rakatapi og bætir rakasöfnun. Yfirborð húðarinar verður sléttara, fínar línur og hrukkur minnka og komið í veg fyrir þurra ertings tilfinningu. Húðin verður fílltari, stinnari og vel nærð. húnin er varin fyrir neikvæðum utanaðkomandi áhrifum [vindi, köldu, þurru hitalofti]. Öldrunarferli húðarinnar hægist á með andoxunareiginleikum, frumurnar eru verndaðar með hlutleysingu sindurefna og endurnýjun frumna er virkjuð. Náttúruleg varnarhjúpur húðarinnar endurnýjast og varðveitist og viðnám húðarinnar er stöðugt. Viðkvæm og pirruð húð róar og húðskemmdir af völdum UV geislunar minnka.
Hitið lítið magn í hendinni eða með fingurgómunum. Notaðu hvar sem er á húðin þar sem þörf er á. Andlit, hendur, hár, líkami. Mælt er með því að bera á tóner eða serum/ampúllu á áður en smyrslið er notað þar sem áferðin sem byggir á olíu getur frásogast betur og er áhrifarík þegar húðin er rök. Geymið við stofuhita. Ef varan verður fljótandi í krukkunni skal geyma hana í stutta stund í kæli þar til hún er orðin þykk aftur.
0 out of 5
24.785 kr.
Rík og nærandi 24 tíma krem fyrir flauelsmjúka húð.
24 klst verndarkrem. Rík áferð. Fyrir húð sem krefst enn meira. Sérstök samsetning virkra efna. Fullkomin uppsetning. Endurnýjar. Veitir Endurlífganda áhrif. Með tafarlausum og langtímaáhrifum.